Available to download images of Ubuntu*Pack 16.04 systems. Distributions are six independent systems with different graphic interfaces: Unity, Flashback, GNOME 3, the GNOME 3 Classic, MATE and Cinnamon. Images of all distributions prepared for the i386 and amd64 platforms.

Distributions based on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS operating system that allows their prolonged use and thus include all the innovations presented in the original.

Their main difference from the native distribution, it is embedded as official updates at the time of assembly (July 15 2016), doustanovlennye different graphical interfaces, multimedia and additional drivers and programs are not in the original distribution, but in our opinion useful. It is possible to create a self-contained solution for Ubuntu*Pack 16.04 units as new computer equipment and the home or work computer, even without access to the Internet.

When you create ISO-images using maximum compression, which allowed not to significantly increase the image of the installation package in the implementation of it is not quite a small part of the update, multimedia support, additional drivers and programs.

A more detailed look at the distribution page here.


+2 # jazzoid 2016-07-21 04:05
Great job. I Installed the Gnome version just now and it works like a charm, better than Ubuntu Gnome, which was giving me a lot of trouble all the time by freezing or not starting up at all. Thanks guys. 8)
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+1 # fge00 2016-07-24 19:58
Was hoping for more of the exciting wallpapers like the opening one in the cinnamon version but alas back to leaves and nature for the rest. However the system is stable and a refreshing change from the maroon ubuntu screen.
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